
Course Information


Term: Fall 2008


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Tue-Thu, 8:15 AM - 11:00 AM (8/13/2008 - 12/5/2008) Location: MAIN MUN 101


325: Neurophysiology.
Goal: To familiarize the student with the theoretical bases and experimental methods of modern neurophysiology, appropriate to studying the structure and function of individual nerve cells and small neuronal systems.
Content: A practice-oriented introduction to functional cellular neurobiology, focusing on electrophysiology. Laboratory exercise and discussion topics will include electrophysiology, histology, and neurochemistry techniques, neuronal membrane dynamics, synaptic function and plasticity, sensory coding, sensor coordination, central pattern generation, and network function. The primary methods of laboratory study will be intracellular, extracellular, multicellular and whole animal electrophysiology, cell and synaptic simulations, and computer simulations of neuronal and network function.
Taught: Springl. Alternate years.
Prerequisites: BIO 103 or 110; BIO 203 or PSY 305; PSY 207 or consent of instructor.
Credit: 4 hours; cross-listed as NSC 325.