Wesleyan College Nursing Application
We strongly recommend use of a laptop or desktop to submit this application. Chrome or Firefox are recommended browsers.
After you submit this application, you will receive an email confirmation. If you do not receive a confirmation email, your application did not submit.
If you have questions about the admission process, contact us at admissions@wesleyancollege.edu or call 1-800-447-6610 or 478-757-3994.
To be considered for admission, submit the following requirements:
- Application for admission
- College transcripts from all institutions attended, unless you are a currently enrolled Wesleyan student
- Register to take the TEAS Nursing Entrance Exam
STATEMENT OF NONDISCRIMINATION: Wesleyan College’s recruitment of students, awarding of financial aid, and operation of programs and facilities are without regard to race, color, religion, age, marital status, creed, disability, sexual orientation, and national or ethnic origin.