Course Information


Term: Spring 2014


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Mon-Wed-Fri, 9:00 AM - 9:50 AM (1/8/2014 - 5/7/2014) Location: MAIN MUN 131


256: Reproductive Biology.
Goal: To examine the mechanisms which govern reproductive tract function in vertebrate animals, using a combination of theoretical and experimental techniques. A major focus of this course will be human reproductive biology, with additional emphasis on the use of animal models to illustrate underlying molecular principles which regulate reproductive function.
Content: Examination of reproductive strategies and the utility of sexual versus asexual reproduction in maintaining diversity. Microscopic exploration of embryonic reproductive tract development and examination of disorders in this process. Introduction of conserved molecular mechanisms which govern reproductive tract function. Discussion of environmental and social factors which impact reproductive success. Consideration of ethical implications of new reproductive technologies.
Taught: Fall. Alternate years.
Prerequisites: BIO 110, 112, 203 or permission of instructor.
Credit: 4 hours.