Mon-Wed-Fri, 9:00 AM - 10:50 AM (8/15/2016 - 12/7/2016) Location: MAIN MUN 109
Fri, 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM (12/9/2016 - 12/9/2016) Location: MAIN MUN 109
203: Research Methods in the Biological Sciences.
Goal: To learn basic methods and techniques of research in the natural sciences, especially biology and chemistry. To become proficient in the conduct of science and presentation of scientific information. To explore practical, philosophical, and ethical aspects of science. To improve public speaking skills in both large and small group settings.
Content : A "hands-on" introduction to all aspects of the scientific method and scientific research. Students conduct experimental practical and self-designed research projects, including initial formulation of hypotheses, experimental design and instrumentation, data analysis, and preparation of results for presentation. Students prepare critical reviews of published papers, formal written research reports, and presentations of original research designs and results in written, graphical, and oral formats.
Taught: Fall.
Prerequisites: BIO 110, MAT 140.
Gen. Ed. Category: Developing; Speaki