
Course Information


Term: Fall 2009


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The Honors Thesis for College and Departmental Honors. During her senior year, an honors student will complete an honors thesis, constituting an in-depth exploration of some area within her major field. Involvement in the honors thesis will not exceed six credit hours and will be noted on the student?s transcript as _ _ _ 499. Honors thesis hours need not count toward the maximum hours allowed in a major. A student wishing to do the honors thesis should consult with her major advisor and the director of the honors program early in her junior year. The honors thesis must be completed, in a form specified by the major department, no later than three weeks before the end of classes. The thesis is evaluated and an oral examination is conducted by a committee made up of the student?s major advisor, another member of the major area concerned, and a faculty member from another academic area. Students completing the honors thesis are also required to present their findings to faculty and peers