
Course Information


Term: Spring 2010


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Tue-Thu, 8:15 AM - 11:00 AM (1/13/2010 - 5/17/2010) Location: MAIN MUN 131


235: Histology.
Goal: To deepen student understanding of tissue function by examining tissue form at the microscopic level. Special emphasis will be made in helping students understand the dimensional context of structures and the function of these structures in relation to organ and organ system physiology.
Content: Identification of cell structure and relation of form to function. Microscopic analysis of all major organ systems. Development of proficiency in common histologic techniques, including tissue fixation, embedding, sectioning and counterstaining. Identification of select pathologic forms and the impact of these alterations on normal organ function.
Taught: Fall. Alternate years.
Prerequisites: BIO 110 and 112.
Credit: 4 hours.