
Course Information


Term: Fall 2015


James FerrariShow MyInfo popup for James Ferrari
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Tue-Thu, 8:15 AM - 9:30 AM (8/17/2015 - 12/9/2015) Location: MAIN MUN 109
Wed, 2:30 PM - 5:20 PM (8/17/2015 - 12/9/2015) Location: MAIN MUN 109


208: Field Biology.
Goal: To practice field techniques and quantitative skills commonly used in outdoor scientific disciplines. To learn to identify the conspicuous plant and animal species of Georgia and consider how they are adapted to their environments.
Content: Students will be introduced to the flora, fauna, and ecosystems of the southeastern United States in this field-intensive course. Emphasis will be on practical aspects of conducting scientific investigation outdoors, namely: taxonomic skills, field identification of plants and animals, use of dichotomous keys, techniques for sampling and describing natural populations and communities, and quantitative skills for analysis of data.
Taught: Fall. Alternate Years.
Prerequisites: BIO 110 and BIO 112; or ESC 150.
Credit: 4 hours; cross-listed as ESC 208.