
Medical Visit with Health Services: Schedule an appointment at


Mental Wellness with Counseling Services: Schedule an appointment at


24-Hour Telehealth: Schedule an appointment at (NOTE: Must activate your VCG account with student email and Wesleyan's zipcode 31210).  The Virtual Care Group provides students free unlimited access to physicians and therapists. All doctors are board certified and the therapists are licensed.  On-demand crisis counseling is available 24/7. Call 1-866-533-1827 to connect with a counselor or if you have questions about services.

EMERGENCIES: For life-threatening emergencies, call 911 and then notify campus police at 478-960-7969. 

Please complete the following to obtain all or part of your medical records. Form may be faxed or emailed to

Title Description

The Privacy Practices document is to be read (not to be submitted) and confirmation of receipt must be signed at the bottom of the Health History form. If you have any questions regarding the privacy practices, please contact Student Affairs. Thank you.

Privacy Practices Page 1 (read only)


Privacy Practices Page 2 (read only)